Simple Breakfast congee

Simple Breakfast congee
Colds blow through our house like a tornado, and despite the fact that neither of the kids go to daycare, the husband-unit often brings something home with him. While his immune system seems to be impervious to the viruses that ravages the winter seasons, myself and the children aren’t as lucky.
In general I make this if I have leftover rice, since it’s easy and something that everyone can eat. I didn’t want to go food shopping while sick (and please, for the love of all that is holy, don’t go out spreading germs, especially at the grocery store) but my refrigerator is now sparse and anything else would require too much work.

All while growing up, I loved congee, especially with an egg swimming in it, the last bite bursting with yolk-y goodness. Making and eating it reminds me of my childhood and it’s comforting when you’re sick and have no appetite for anything else.

You can add meat or fish to it as well if you so choose to–there are so many variations of congee to be had!


  • 1 cup fully cooked white rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon chicken or pork stock
  • 1/2 teaspoon Pig tallow (oil) or bacon grease if you have, optional
  • 2 slices ginger, about 1/4 inch thick, 1 whole, 1 matchsticked
  • 1 spring onion, chopped
  • 1 egg
  • Pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

1. I did this in my pressure cooker but you can do it stove top as well. Cook rice and water together  with chicken/pork stock, pork tallow, whole ginger slice, and 1/2 the chopped spring onion covered, on low heat, until rice has become a porridge consistency. About an hour. Stir every so often to prevent the bottom from burning.
2. Separate the egg yolk from the white and drop in egg white until fully cooked. Place egg yolk in the bowl you will be using to eat.
3. Spoon in hot congee, covering the egg yolk carefully (this will soft cooked the egg yolk). Salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with matchsticked ginger and remaining chopped scallions. Serve piping hot.