Hamburg Steak Sumikko Gurashi Bento

It’s winter, with quite a bit of snow on the ground, so there’s very little for me to do in the garden, This means I can focus on a hobby I had abandoned after I had kids: Kyaraben (or “charaben”) making. Since it’s been a while, I decided to get my feet wet with an easy character–one from Sanrio’s wildly popular Sumikko Gurashi line (of which I have a cute soy sauce dispenser from.)
I fried the rice ball in some sesame oil tinted with a bit of turmeric for the yellow color, and the hamburg steak recipe is from another blog post I have (view it here). The bow (which is actually the tail of the tempura shrimp character) is made from a piece of red pepper.
The rest is just some sauteed carrots, and a couple of muenster cheese stars.
Hope you had as much fun looking as I had making it!