Avocado Ikura Don Bento

Both my 4 year old and 1 year old are fiends for ikura (salted salmon roe) so whenever I make the trip to the Asian supermarket (I now live far from Flushing), I always endeavor to buy some. It’s cheaper than ordering at the restaurant.
When I make the trip out to NJ in a few weeks, I’ll see if they have fresh salmon roe and salt it myself as home-made is best-made.
Together, my daughters will finish humongous bowls of rice, topped with these succulent, salty jewels that glisten in the sun. I’m also very partial to it, and enjoy it immensely when I don’t have any competition for it (which I almost always do.)
Anyway, the bento is simple, no recipe here. The little bear in the center is a quail egg which required a lot more work to deal with the nori since the pieces have to be tiny.
Hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as we all enjoyed eating it!