Onigiri: Smoked Salmon and Cucumber, Katsuo Fumi Furikake, Umejiso

An easy lunch that really requires no cooking, and all the fillings can be stored for a very long time. I like to break these out when I’m really busy and running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Doesn’t require much thinking so I can make and run while the kids sit and eat.
- 1.5 cups of cooked, white sushi rice
- 1 slice of chopped smoked salmon (lox or gravlax)
- 5-6 thin slices of cucumber
- 1 tablespoon katsuo fumi furikake
- 1 umeboshi, chopped and pit removed
- 1 tablespoon fresh shiso, chopped finely
- 3 pieces of nori seaweed, cut into 5 x 3 strips
1. In 3 bowls, split the 1.5 cups rice evenly (.5 cups each).
2. Add cucumber and smoked salmon in the first bowl, the furikake in the second, and the umeboshi and shiso in the third. Mix each bowl well.
3. Scoop rice mixtures into your onigiri molds, press, and wrap with nori seaweed strips. Enjoy with a cup of hot green tea!