Bed and Breakfast Diaries Part 5: Before and After 1st Floor Rear
Monday – April 26th, 2021: Things didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought, since I wasn’t able to really take a good look at this unit until today. Unfortunately several things made it so that I can’t actually DIY this, mainly, the windows are in very bad shape and the formica countertops are gross. Three years ago I had new windows installed, but had used a handyman service and unfortunately he did a terrible job that was hidden by the blinds on top, and me, having been frazzled and not really looking closely enough, didn’t realize just how bad it was. Today, as we were pulling down the blinds, I got a clear look and was horrified.
I’ve now requested the help of a renovation team instead to just get everything done at once because I’m unable to wait at this point (the longer the unit sits empty, the less income is generated.) Wednesday they’re coming to give me a quote (I’ve used them before and I love their work). Essentially they will be responsible for replacing all the windows and the frames, replacing the molding, removing the cabinets and the wrap around in the kitchen, the paint job, and the kitchen light fixture replacement (see what I envision everything to look like here.)

Friday – May 14th, 2021: Renovations begin today! Ultimately, as these things are wont to do, plans have deviated somewhat. The kitchen backsplash will be tiled (white), the bedroom carpet will be replaced with engineered hardwood flooring—mainly because carpet is so much more difficult to clean and just traps all sorts of dirt and dust. However, underneath the carpet turned out to be the gorgeous original wood flooring, but in a condition so bad I’ll need a professional restoration company to come deal with it but I currently just don’t have the time to do so. I was SO excited to see that, since I love the antique history of it, and when I can, would love to see it fully restored.
Turns out having outlets above the kitchen sink is illegal (the contractor, who is normally chill and very cucumber like, looked alarmed when he saw it which made me realize it was serious shiznits) so he will be relocating those. The countertops is being replaced by butcher’s block.

Since the ceilings are high, I decided to go with crown molding as well which will make it look gorgeous. The windows are thankfully getting fixed, and instead of doing aluminum dropdown for the bathroom, they’ll be just sheetrock and spackling. All in all, I love this particular company, even if the lead time is longer (waiting and patience is not my forte but I endured)—they’re fast, efficient, and do beautiful work.
I also decided to pick up an antique style settee for the couch, which I may reupholster if necessary (but so far it looks great via pics from the seller), a gorgeous mirror with wrought iron trim on clearance at Home Goods, and am trawling Facebook for a nice dinette set. I imagine all the work will likely be finished within the week after which I will seriously begin to furnish.
Monday – May 17th, 2021: The renovators don’t work weekends but I went and checked in with them several times on Friday—had to haul tile and bamboo engineered flooring (I will refinish the old wood floors another time). Due to the rise in oil prices from the whole pipeline issue, carpet plus the underlayment turned out to be $150 more expensive than the engineered bamboo flooring. Just as well since hard flooring is easier to clean and upkeep than carpet.
There turns out to be some wasted deadspace behind the kitchen, which could have been for a linen closet or expand the bathroom or hide a couple bodies. I’ll deal with it when I decide to do a full bathroom renovation.

They did an excellent job with the window repairs and 3/7 windows have been finished and they began spackling the bedroom and painting the doors.
Yesterday, I picked up a gorgeous vintage upholstered settee in near perfect condition super inexpensively ($220) from a woman selling for her mother who liked to collect vintage/antique furniture. It has cute metal claw feet and a wooden frame, deep seating making it very comfortable. I can’t wait to be able to put it in!

Tuesday May 18th, 2021: The crown molding is up and it’s gorgeous. It immediately gives the space a luxurious feel but not overbearing. They also started doing the first coat for the bedroom walls. I’m getting real excited to see how this unfolds. I picked up the star pendant light for the kitchen from my local HomeSense, and the Nest thermostat from National Grid (which provides rebates for their items) came in.
Saturday May 29th, 2021: After two weeks, the renovations are done and it’s amazing. I couldn’t be happier with how everything turned out!

I’m going to let the dust settle for another day and then I will clean and wash the floors and counters (spackle dust from sanding is very fine and can stay in the air for a while.) After that, I’ll begin to furnish and decorate which is arguably the best part of this whole ordeal.
One issue I ran into is that the master code for the lockbox for this apartment isn’t working and I don’t know if I’m remembering it wrong or the tenant before this one changed it. Unfortunately I don’t know if there’s any way to remove it without damaging the frame.
Tuesday June 8th, 2021
The past week and a half has been a whirlwind of trying to get everything set up and furnished. I spent quite a bit of time at local thrift shops and Home Goods to get the vibe perfect (and for low cost fake plant decor). I also got in two cleaned skulls from my friends over at Merchant Macabre which I used to create these gothic chic wall art/glass bell oddities. One is a cat skull (which Martha named “Smoky” which is both amusing and terrifying, and the other is a fox skull now called “Foxie” because of course Sophie needed to name one too.
I’ll be hiding Studio Ghibli Easter Eggs with a scavenger hunt list for guests to amuse themselves with eventually.

Another thing I will be doing is stocking the place with eco-friendly alternatives to some common household items–for example there won’t be liquid dish detergent, rather I will have a dish soap block plus copper wool sponges. I placed a bulk order of mini shampoo bars with J.R. Liggetts (according to the account manager, they’ll last indefinitely in the freezer so my chest freezer will come in handy) and will have sisal soap bags. My goal is just to introduce these alternatives so people can try them out and hey, if it makes them think a little bit more towards zero waste, all the better!
For the next year, it will only be open to friends and family for short term use (less than 14 days) and biweekly guests if they choose to stay. This way I can get the change of use sorted out with the town. I’m so excited to have begun this journey!