Soft Fresh Pita Bread From Scratch

A few things made making this pita bread easy and delicious, namely the closet that holds my hot water heater and my cast iron pan. Quite honestly I was always intimidated by cast iron because I heard how it requires so much upkeep. That, I have determined, is a lie. It’s so easy and really no more steps than any other pan but maintains a wonderful nonstick surface. I can see why it still remains popular today.
The closet that holds my hot water heater is perfect for proofing anything and everything yeast related. Not too hot and not too cold and super easy to stack.
While proofing might take a bit of time, the actual prep work is quick and easy. Serve with hummus and feta, stuffed grape leaves, falafel, what have you!
- 1 cup water plus one tablespoon lukewarm water for proofing yeast
- 2.5 cups all purpose flour, more flour for dusting
- 2 teaspoon active dry yeast
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon sugar
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- Proof the yeast by combining tablespoon lukewarm water with yeast and sugar.
- Once it has bubbled (so you know it’s alive), combine with the rest of the ingredients and knead for about 5 minutes until dough is smooth.
- Proof for about 1 hour in a warm place, or until dough has double in size.
- Preheat cast iron skillet to medium high heat.
- Divide into equal pieces (bigger or smaller is dependent on your preference) and with a rolling pin, flatten into discs.
- Cook them one at a time on the skillet until both sides are slight charred and cooked through.