Bed and Breakfast Diaries, Part 7: Ghibli Easter Eggs

So as part of the whole experience, the first floor rear unit is themed with Studio Ghibli Easter eggs hidden around the unit. I grew up on Studio Ghibli films, and for the most part they were positive and nostalgic and just lovely. I say for the most part because as a child, I had nightmares that Totoro was magnetic and would stick you to him and fly away with you while spinning really, really fast so I was terrified of him up until high school. Children are weird, don’t ask me why my brain came up with it so he always gave me the heebie jeebies and even now, I occasionally get creeped out.
Anyway, childhood trauma aside, I really do enjoy their films and the whimsy in them make it the perfect mini-experience. This is basically the “cheat sheet” for the Easter Eggs. There’s currently a trick question you can find at the very end. See if you can guess what all of these are! And, if you stay with me, see if you can spot them all.
Eventually more will be added.

Starting from left to right, top to bottom:
- Princess Mononoke Tree Spirit
- Princess Mononoke Tree Spirit (These things are all over the place!)
- My Neighbor Totoro Bowl and more Princess Mononoke Tree Spirits
- Laputa, Castle in the Sky (An Airplane Blueprint) but I guess they could also be The Wind Rises or Kiki’s Delivery Service
- Kiki’s Delivery Service Jiji the Cat in a cage
- Totoro Wind Chime
- The Cat Returns Mouse Plush, Cat Tails, and Cast Iron Cat Humidifier
- Ponyo bathroom sign
- Spirited Away No Face Night Light
- Trick Question for Howl’s Moving Castle: The LIRR train runs right by this building, just like the hat shop in Market Chipping