Mini Cheese Pupusa (Stuffed Corn Cakes)

Mini Cheese Pupusa (Stuffed Corn Cakes)

I love both pupusas and arepas (but must confess I didn’t really know the difference until recently)–they’re both corn cakes made from corn flour, but pupusas are stuffed before they are grilled, while arepas are stuffed after. They also use different flours, with pupusas using Masa Harina which is corn that has been nixtamalized (soaked and cooked in an alkaline solution) and Masarepa (pre-cooked non-nixtamalized corn flour) for arepas.

The nixtamalization makes the corn flavor much stronger and more fragrant, which is what I really love about this and using instant Masa Harina makes this a recipe that can be done in less than 15 minutes. I use milk and sugar to take it to a slightly more sweet and savory level, but you can just use water and omit the sugar. I am also of the opinion (like with my pao de queijo recipe) that butter is the far superior fat for cooking this. I like stretchy cheese but traditional cheeses can be used too–some people also stuff it with beans and chorizo.

The kids love these mini ones, even though they’re a bit more difficult to make but it really makes for a delicious and quick snack. You can make it bigger for sure, if you prefer.


  • 1 cup instant Masa corn flour (I use Maseca brand)
  • 1.5 cups warm milk (more if necessary.)
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil or butter, and more for oiling the pan
  • Jack, Muenster, or Mozzarella cheese
  1. Combine the milk, masa flour, oil or butter, and salt and sugar until the consistency is like very soft play-dough. Allow to sit for five minutes to hydrate–if it gets too hard and loses the play dough consistency, add more milk. Moisten your hands with water and form into small round balls, press flat and stuff with cheese, then work the edges up and closed, adding more dough if necessary.
  2. Oil and heat a cast iron pan on medium high heat and press the balls flat, grill on both sides until golden and crispy on both sides. Serve hot.