Breakfast Pan with Hairy Bittercress

Make sure you wash the hairy bittercress well so you don’t get a mouthful of grit, and that it’s from an area where you are certain no pesticides or herbicides have been applied!
In the mornings during spring, one of the things I like to collect for my breakfast is hairy bittercress (which is a misnomer for it is neither hairy nor bitter, and has a very mild flavor.) It’s all over the place which makes it very easy to get a handful of these delicious veggies. In this recipe, it gives color, flavor, and nutrition to my breakfast pan. If you, like me, don’t have the habit of buying spinach, this “weed” is a wonderful (and dare I say, better?) substitute.
The great thing about a breakfast pan is that you can throw whatever veggies you want into it! This was today’s.
- 8-9 hairy bittercress crowns (each are about 4 inches in diameter)
- 3-4 eggs
- 5 campari tomatoes or 2 roma tomatoes or 1 beefsteak tomato, sliced
- 1/2 bell pepper, diced
- 1/4 onion, diced
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Diced olives (optional)
- salt and pepper to taste
- parmesan cheese to taste
- In a pan, sautee onions and peppers in olive oil over medium high heat until onions are just starting to turn translucent.
- Lay tomato slices over the onions and peppers and crack eggs on top.
- Add dollops of diced olives and lay hairy bittercress crowns around the pan.
- Cover and allow to steam until desired done-ness for eggs.
- Uncover, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and parmesan cheese to taste.