Okra Miso

Okra Miso

I don’t have butterbur where I am, which is where the original recipe, fuki-miso or bakke-miso, comes from. It’s a wild sansai that is foraged during the spring in Japan. It’s delicious over a hot bowl of white rice, topped with a creamy egg yolk. Similar to fuki miso, okra miso has a very slight hint of bitterness that is wonderfully pleasing to the palate.

This is a beautifully simple meal to showcase both duck eggs and an oft-disliked vegetable.


  • 2 cups okra, finely minced
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 3 heaping tablespoons red or white miso
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon sake
  • 2 tablespoon mirin
  • Hot white rice
  • Egg yolk
  1. In a pan over medium high heat, saute okra with vegetable oil until tender. Stir often as the heat will cause the okra to release its mucilaginous qualities.
  2. Add miso, sugar, sake, and mirin, lower the heat and stir constantly until okra miso is tender and no longer slimey. About 10 – 15 more minutes. Keep and eye on it so it doesn’t burn.
  3. Remove from heat and place in jar. Spoon over hot white rice and top with an egg yolk.