Perfect Microwave Eggs

In an effort to not use as much oil or have to wash pots and pans as often, I ventured into the world of microwaving eggs. And I’m never going back.
It’s quite simple–a round bottomed bowl, a light wipe of oil, covered and zapped a couple of seconds and I got anything from scrambled eggs to over easy to sunnyside up! Sometimes, depending on the type of bowl you’re using, you don’t even need oil (but I can’t do without some butter). The egg comes out tender, without crisped edges–almost poached.
For reference, my microwave is 1000 watts–so you may need to adjust cooking times depending on your microwave. You may also need to adjust for other types of poultry eggs. This cooking time is for chicken.
You can get cute shaped ramakins or microwave safe molds and make lovely shapes as well!
- 1 bowl, rounded on the bottom
- Stick of butter, chilled (or regular cooking oil/canola spray)
- 1 chicken egg
- Microwave safe cover for the bowl (can be a wet paper towel)
1. Oil the bowl by rubbing butter on the interior (or wipe down with cooking oil/canola spray).
2. Crack egg into bowl. Cover bowl with microwave safe cover.
3. Place in microwave and heat on high for 27 seconds (sunnyside up), 29 seconds (over easy.) Allow to sit for 1 minute so that the egg doesn’t pop.