Bed and Breakfast Diaries, Part 7: Ghibli Easter Eggs

Bed and Breakfast Diaries, Part 7: Ghibli Easter Eggs

So as part of the whole experience, the first floor rear unit is themed with Studio Ghibli Easter eggs hidden around the unit. I grew up on Studio Ghibli films, and for the most part they were positive and nostalgic and just lovely. I say 

Bed and Breakfast Diaries Part 5: Before and After 1st Floor Rear

Bed and Breakfast Diaries Part 5: Before and After 1st Floor Rear

Monday – April 26th, 2021: Things didn’t exactly turn out the way I thought, since I wasn’t able to really take a good look at this unit until today. Unfortunately several things made it so that I can’t actually DIY this, mainly, the windows are 

Love What You Have, Have What You Love

Love What You Have, Have What You Love

About two years ago, one of my best friends told me about a book she read called “The Art of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo, and how, in it, there is a method of figuring out what to keep and what to throw away when