Meet The Cochin Crew

In case you were curious as to the state of the current flock and who the parents of the hatching eggs and chicks I sell are. Each chicken has their own unique personality, so I hope this page gives you a giggle as I showcase that.

Grow out keepers are named once they have matured, and follow a theme depending on what year they were hatched in. It helps me keep track of them!

  • 2023: Chinese Food
  • 2024: Japanese Food

2023; Dumpling (Smooth Bobtail Rooster)

  • Last known holder of the collective brain cell, but may have misplaced it.
  • Not certain if very polite, or a bit of a coward.
  • Steals the credit for finding the treats despite having zero contribution to production of said treats.
  • Will sometimes 404 from lack of processing power, any attempts at software updates have failed.
  • Wing dance could use some work, but tidbitting top tier.
  • A hands off daddy. If the children fight, it’s not his problem.
  • Tries to pretend he’s head of household but actually terrified of his wives.

2023; Hotpot (Frizzled Bobtail Hen)

  • A lot of anger and no where to put it.
  • Bottom of the pecking order but pretends to be top.
  • Needs therapy, but may try to fight the therapist.
  • Currently accepting roles in velociraptor voice acting gigs.

2023; Rice Cake (Smooth Bobtail Hen

  • May have stolen the collective brain cell, but innocent until proven guilty.
  • Look but don’t touch.
  • Teen chick mom, does not enjoy the hatchling stage at all so don’t give her any of the day old baby nonsense.
  • Offer the best or don’t offer it at all.

2023; Sesame (Smooth Black Hen)

  • May have, at one point, attempted to eat the collective brain cell.
  • Likes bikini waxes. Does not like being kink shamed for it.
  • Not fat, just fluffy. But also actually just really fat.
  • Will steal candy from babies and not feel bad about it.
  • Trip hazard.

2023; Braised Pork Rice (Smooth Calico Hen)

  • Likes big eggs and she cannot lie.
  • In her own world and digging it.
  • Vegetables are life.
  • Every nest box belongs to her, and shame on you if you forget it.

2023; Fried Dough (Smooth Calico Hen)

  • Pine cone impersonator.
  • May be small, but extremely shrill.
  • Abnormal attraction to pinky toes.
  • Would like to eat the freckle right off your skin, and it wouldn’t be her fault.
  • Will sell out for half a potato chip.

2023; Meat Bun (Smooth Lemon Blue Splash Hen)

  • Has a middle name and it’s Anxiety.
  • Overgrown toenails are all the rage, or so she’s heard.
  • Does not like being watched while she eats and would appreciate it if you minded your own business.
  • Would like to take out restraining orders on all these jokers, if only there was a judge who would take her seriously.