Gorgonzola and Tomato Salad

We’re getting into the swing of tomato season and these plump, juicy fruits (which are actually classified as berries) are great during the summer months when the heat has robbed us of our appetite. Coupled with that, basil plants should be full and bushy right now, not having gone to seed yet so their leaves are large and flat. A lot of people would make a caprese salad now with tomato, basil, and mozzarella, but I’m here to tell you guys of a different take–with salty, savory, and aromatic gorgonzola in place of the traditional fresh mozz. I had it once at a steakhouse on vacation with the hubby-unit, and never forgot how amazing it was.
I made it last night for my dinner, while my husband ate his “rabbit food” but he, being Italian, couldn’t help but ask for some (which turned out to be half the plate!)
Flavorful tomatoes make a world of difference, as do good olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
- 1 large slicing tomato (heirloom brandywine tomatoes are amazing–they come in yellows and purples and pinks–but any tomato will do.)
- 1/2 cup to 1 cup shredded basil (I love my basil, but you could use less if so desired)
- 1/4 cup diced onions (Just a little bit for a smart bite but it’s optional)
- 1 wedge gorgonzola (I only had crumbled, but prefer wedge style)
- Dash of cracked pepper
- Drizzle of olive oil
- Drizzle of balsamic vinegar
1. Cut tomatoes into 1/2 inch slices (I find thicker slices more enjoyable, to be eaten with a fork and a knife like cutting into fine steak.) Arrange on plate.
2. Shake crumbled gorgonzola and diced onions over the tomatoes, and garnish with shredded basil. Or, alternatively, place wedges of gorgonzola on tomato slices, garnish the same way.
3. Crack black pepper over the plate, and serve immediately with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.