Un-Chocolate Vine

I have two Akebia (Akebia Quinata) in my garden, one on either side of the gate to the back. It’s a lovely vine (although I have no idea why it’s called “chocolate” as it neither smells nor tastes like cocoa.) Drought tolerant, it’s hardy from zones 5 – 9 and not picky about soil at all as long as its well drained. I have mine in full sun but it readily grows in part shade, and will tolerate full shade too (although it may not flower/set fruit.) It looks like full sun may dwarf the plant as they grow to a very large size if grown in dappled shade, but if you’re looking to control it, full sun is probably the best option. It also needs a second variety for more reliable fruit setting.
Given that this is the first year that mine are flowering so prolifically (As they were planted two years ago and took all of last year to establish themselves), I might be seeing fruit in the future. However, it is said that it doesn’t fruit prolifically, with no rhyme or reason as to why. I’ve heard the flavor described as mild watermelon flavor, and as litchi and passionfruit flavored–this presents a conundrum because that’s on two opposite sides of the flavor spectrum.
The young shoots are sometimes eaten (it is a diuretic as well) in salads or pickled, the fruit pulp eaten, and the outer casing for the fruit stuffed with meat and then fried, so it has a lot of uses. Word of caution–supposedly they are invasive here in New England, but going on three years and it has been easy to manage with some pruning.

Update: For whatever reason, my akebia fruited this year, both the white one and the purple one, which I was very excited about because I had been wondering what kind of flavor the inside was. I have to say, while the flavor was very good, the seeds were too big to really be enjoyed. It tasted like a cross between banana, watermelon, and a cherimoya, creamy and sweet.
I will be experimenting with the outside, so stay tuned for a recipe on that!