Korean Bush Cherry

Korean Bush Cherry

Imagine my surprise when, before even my serviceberries and sweet tree cherries have bloomed, my Korean bush cherries were out in full force. Prunus japonica is a beautiful plant in the same family as regular cherries and plums. However, these grow in bush form (although 

Great Goumi Berry

Great Goumi Berry

There was a sad little goumi berry (Elaeagnus multiflora) bush, root bound and sitting in the corner of a nursery I go to at the end of every season to nab huge discount deals.  I’ve never eaten a goumi berry before, but it seemed interesting 

Honeyberry, I’m Home!

Honeyberry, I’m Home!

Haskaps, or Honeyberry, or Edible Honeysuckle (lonicera caerulea) is part of the honeysuckle family (and not all honeysuckles are edible) that produces fruit very similar to blueberries. It’s cold hardy as hell (some are hardy all the way to zone 2!) and unlike blueberries, tolerate 

Lucy Goosey Gooseberry

Lucy Goosey Gooseberry

I was always curious about the taste of gooseberries (ribes uva-crispa syn. ribes grossularia) but had never had the opportunity to try one. It seem financially irresponsible to buy a pie or a jar of jam of something that I wasn’t sure I’d like (and 

Raspberry Rumble

Raspberry Rumble

Raspberries (rubus idaeus) belong to the rubus family which includes blackberries, thimbleberries, brambleberries, tayberries, etc. and can readily cross breed with them, so new varieties are constantly coming out. Some people find them invasive–but honestly, what’s so bad about a fruit that vigorously propagates itself? 

A Clear Blueberry Sky

A Clear Blueberry Sky

I must admit, I was very daunted by the prospect of blueberries (vaccinium cyanococcus), as people complained all over the internet about issues afflicting them and the difficulty in their care. But my hoarding instinct got the better of me and whenever a blueberry bush