Children of the Sea meets Children of the Sky (Egg on Egg, a Karasumi Love Story)

Children of the Sea meets Children of the Sky (Egg on Egg, a Karasumi Love Story)

Oh there are so many ways to use karasumi (dried cured mullet roe), that briny, delicious gift from the oceans. Today it tops my breakfast to elevate my first meal of the day into decadence… Ingredients 1 slice of Homemade Hokkaido Milk Bread, toasted (recipe 

Karasumi / Bottarga / Wu Yu Zi / 烏魚子  (Cured Mullet Roe) Pasta

Karasumi / Bottarga / Wu Yu Zi / 烏魚子 (Cured Mullet Roe) Pasta

Every Autumn I import a few boxes of cured Mullet roe, also called bottarga-karasumi-wu yu zi, from Taiwan to give out as gifts during the holiday season and it’s always a hit. Karasumi is a delicacy in Asia, made from the sacs of the mullet 

Hokkaido Milk Bread (Bread Machine)

Hokkaido Milk Bread (Bread Machine)

My mom gave me a beast of a Zojirushi bread machine that she no longer planned on using. I had been making bread by hand at home, and this was a welcome change. One of the breads that I could never make quite right is 

Half-Half Ikura (Salted Gently Seasoned Salmon Caviar)

Half-Half Ikura (Salted Gently Seasoned Salmon Caviar)

I picked up a pound of sujiko, which is fresh salmon roe still in its sack, from Mitsuwa on our way back from an Aikido seminar yesterday. Both of my kids absolutely love ikura, which is the cured version, but it’s so expensive that I 

Uni Pasta with Shiso Flowers

Uni Pasta with Shiso Flowers

I’m an absolute fiend for uni (sea urchin roe) but the creamy, briney, full of ocean flavor disappears far too quickly when I eat it sushi or sashimi style. As a pasta sauce, I can savor it for longer and feel full, rather than regretting 

Maitake Tempura with Sweet Soy Braised Poblano Peppers

Maitake Tempura with Sweet Soy Braised Poblano Peppers

You all knew this one was coming–one can’t find a windfall of maitake and not make tempura with it. Maitake mushrooms, once what moisture was within it evaporates during the frying process, holds the crunch of the panko very well. It also retains its texture 

Mini Ramen Eggs (Ajitsuke Quail Eggs)

Mini Ramen Eggs (Ajitsuke Quail Eggs)

Ever since I got quail, this has been the recipe that’s been on my mind. They finally started laying and they’re redeeming themselves. Everyone in my house LOVE jammy ramen eggs, even as a side snack or on top of rice. What better way to 

Un-Chocolate Vine

Un-Chocolate Vine

I have two Akebia (Akebia Quinata) in my garden, one on either side of the gate to the back. It’s a lovely vine (although I have no idea why it’s called “chocolate” as it neither smells nor tastes like cocoa.) Drought tolerant, it’s hardy from 

Grilled Hosta Skewers

Grilled Hosta Skewers

I’m currently reveling in the hosta shoots that are coming up–another two weeks and they’ll be too tough and bitter to eat and then I’ll have to wait until the flower buds come in. Right now they’re deliciously tender and mild, perfect for skewering and 

Tempura Hosta Shoots

Tempura Hosta Shoots

It’s spring and my hostas are starting to come up. This means hosta shoots galore. With a flavor and texture like artichokes, they are absolutely delicious as tempura, which is what I made today for lunch. You might feel weird eating something you’d thought of