Lockdown Rooting Cuttings Fun

By the end of this lockdown period, I’m probably going to be up to my ears in plants as I spent this time rooting cuttings for fun. So far I’ve done elderberries and currants, with a 90% success rate! This is one of the easiest ways to expand my food forest, especially for such yummy things as elderberry syrup and currant jams.
I put a few drops of rooting hormone in a jar of water, take some clippings, and just leave it in a dark place for a week or two and voila! Roots!
It’s best to cut below “nodes” (the bumps where new branches would grow) which for some plants (like elderberries) are more important for than currants. Either way, pretty soon these little “blisters” show up where the roots will grow out of.
It’s important that to be careful transplanting them since the delicate roots can easily break and keep the new soil moist until they’ve established.
Whatever I don’t use will be up for sale on my For Sale page.