Totoro Chicken Coop Progression

Totoro Chicken Coop Progression

I don’t very often spend money on brand new things for myself (other than food)–usually anything I purchase has to do with investments, and anything else if I can get them second hand I will (I LOVE a good bargain.) So this new chicken coop 

Zero Waste Origami Bone/Scrap Boxes

Zero Waste Origami Bone/Scrap Boxes

When we were little, my grandparents taught my sister and I how to make these origami boxes from the stacks of magazines they would get in the mail. We would sit at their country style dining table (which is now the kotatsu table in my 

Lockdown Rooting Cuttings Fun

Lockdown Rooting Cuttings Fun

By the end of this lockdown period, I’m probably going to be up to my ears in plants as I spent this time rooting cuttings for fun. So far I’ve done elderberries and currants, with a 90% success rate! This is one of the easiest 

DIY Mini Shampoo Bars For Guests

DIY Mini Shampoo Bars For Guests

My DIY’s are often hit or miss, and I had thought for sure that my mini activated charcoal shampoo bar with tea tree oil was going to be a miss… and it was, until I tried one last thing. Turns out a lot of melt 

The Art Of Constructing A Bento

The Art Of Constructing A Bento

Making a bento can be hard work for the brain, but it’s very rewarding when you see the people you love eating the things you make. It’s important for me that my bento taste good and are healthy too. So here’s my guide as to 

Super Rich Garlic Miso Ramen With Marinated Eggs And Melty Pork Char Siu

Super Rich Garlic Miso Ramen With Marinated Eggs And Melty Pork Char Siu

I knew it was going to be a cold day when I woke up this morning and I was buried under blankets I didn’t want to come out of. When I stuck my toe out to test the air, I could tell that my wood 

Let’s Catch Eel

Let’s Catch Eel

After my first accidental catch of eel which was absolutely delicious, I set my heart out to catch more of these tasty, albeit scary looking morsels. They were actually out here where I was! My husband was not as enthused. It looks like a… sea 

Butter From Scratch

Butter From Scratch

When I first discovered how to make butter from scratch, I was horrified. How have I lived so long without making my own butter? I felt like an entire world opened up to me that I had previously not known before. Dinner guests are always 

Sprouty Sprout Sprouts

Sprouty Sprout Sprouts

Almost 2 years ago, I had been craving alfalfa bad. I was pregnant with our second and the desire for those delicious greens was hitting me hard. But as a pregnant woman, you’re not supposed to buy sprouts at the supermarket because it often has 

DIY Bees Wax Wrap

DIY Bees Wax Wrap

I’ve been wanting to do this DIY for a while, but could not, for the life of me, find the bar of beeswax I had used to seal my mason bee house. I wanted to be as close to plastic free as possible, not only