Tasty Tuna Sandwich

Tasty Tuna Sandwich

I often make tuna sandwiches when I’m craving fish but don’t want to go out and do an entire fish meal. My husband, who only likes fish in specific instances, really enjoys this tuna sandwich. The secret is just to add a dash of dried 

Egg and Sprout Sandwich: Eggshell Sprouts Part 2

Egg and Sprout Sandwich: Eggshell Sprouts Part 2

We waited another 2 days before resolving to give our eggshell sprout heads a haircut–follow this link if you want to read about this super fun craft. By then I already had the sandwich lined up–a traditional egg and cress sandwich that’s popular during English 

Eggshell Sprouts

Eggshell Sprouts

When I was little, I had this big book of arts and crafts suitable for kids and one of the things I always wanted to do was sprouts growing in an empty egg shell and then draw faces on them so that when the seeds 

Ahi Tuna “Pizza”

Ahi Tuna “Pizza”

A staple of modern Japanese restaurants, this tasty appetizer can be made right at home if you, like me, always keep ahi tuna steaks in the freezer. I implore you to try growing your own sprouts for your kitchen as a way to not only 

Egg, Tomato, and Alfalfa Sprout Sandwich

Egg, Tomato, and Alfalfa Sprout Sandwich

I am a fiend for sprouts, and I especially love alfalfa, which I often sprout at home during the fall and winter times. One of my absolute favorite ways of eating it is replacing lettuce in sandwiches with the delicious, slightly peppery bite of alfalfa. This can 

Sprouty Sprout Sprouts

Sprouty Sprout Sprouts

Almost 2 years ago, I had been craving alfalfa bad. I was pregnant with our second and the desire for those delicious greens was hitting me hard. But as a pregnant woman, you’re not supposed to buy sprouts at the supermarket because it often has