2019 Edible Landscape Update

2019 Edible Landscape Update

It’s been over 4 years since I started on this journey and it’s had its ups and downs. I thought I’d give everyone an update on my progress as far as my edible landscape/food forest goes. The good thing is, everything is maturing and filling 

Deer Me

Deer Me

As deer hunting season draws to a close, I received a portion of venison from one of the hunters from Hunters For Deer as thanks for allowing access into my property. Every time they say “thank you,” I want to go “NO WHY ARE YOU THANKING 

Battle Of The Clop-Clops: I’ve Brought In The Calvalry

Battle Of The Clop-Clops: I’ve Brought In The Calvalry

If anyone had been willing to listen the last few years, they know that I had been battling deer in my garden and had been losing. Overnight, my poor fruit trees would be stripped of their leaves, and their odd gastronomic decisions made me think