Hamachi Kama: 3 Ways

Hamachi Kama: 3 Ways

My sister (follow her on Instagram), who is a chef working at an upscale Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, gave me three hamachi kama (yellowtail collars) the other day when I went to visit her and my parents where they live in Queens. I was daunted 

“Sundried” Tomatoes, Garlic, and Rosemary in Olive Oil

“Sundried” Tomatoes, Garlic, and Rosemary in Olive Oil

I had to put “sundried” in quotations because I didn’t actually dry them in the sun, but what would you call dehydrated tomatoes? Dried tomatoes… dehydrated tomatoes… desiccated tomatoes… they don’t sound too appetizing that way and the supermarkets sell them as “sundried” anyway, even 

Sauteed Clams, Shiso Batayaki Style

Sauteed Clams, Shiso Batayaki Style

For those wanting a less Asian approach to using shiso while using a large quantity of it, this is the recipe for you: Sauteed Clams, Shiso Batayaki style. My husband (who is part Italian) LOVES this sauce as it is wonderful for all kinds of 

Hamburger Steak Recipe

Hamburger Steak Recipe

Hamburger steak is a western inspired Japanese meal in which a hamburger patty is cooked, swimming in gravy, with a side of rice and sometimes salad… and it is delicious. I suppose people might think it’s weird–like a poor man’s version of a steak dinner, 

Garlic Chives, A Staple Story

Garlic Chives, A Staple Story

Every Chinese family I know has garlic chives (allium tuberosum) in their garden. It’s a species of onion that hails from China, and is one of the earliest spring vegetables to come out, harvested beginning of March here on Long Island so that they are