2019 Edible Landscape Update

2019 Edible Landscape Update

It’s been over 4 years since I started on this journey and it’s had its ups and downs. I thought I’d give everyone an update on my progress as far as my edible landscape/food forest goes. The good thing is, everything is maturing and filling 

Pardon My Parsley

Pardon My Parsley

While it isn’t a true perennial, rather, biennial (meaning it dies after the second year when it flowers), parsley (Petroselinum crispum) is a staple in my food forest. I actually never really used it in my cooking until a few years ago, when I started 

Ramp Up!

Ramp Up!

I planted ramps (Allium tricoccum) about two years ago–itty bitty bulbs that I wasn’t sure was going to take. But surprisingly, they all survived and have established themselves in a dark, shady corner of my perennial food forest. They do best in rich, moist soils 

Sweet (Alpine) Strawberry

Sweet (Alpine) Strawberry

Regular strawberries are nice, but sadly we neither eat enough of it, nor have the patience to really protect it from all the creatures that want to devour it. The fruit sizes are varied, some years giving large ones, other years giving rise to strangely