Natto Mochi (With a Poached Egg)

Natto Mochi (With a Poached Egg)

If you don’t like natto (like my husband), this isn’t the post for you and you should probably pretend it doesn’t exist. If you are absolutely obsessed with natto (like myself and our cute little daughters whose palates clearly take after me), this is a 

Akebia Shoot, Asparagus, and Chive Scape Okonomiyaki

Akebia Shoot, Asparagus, and Chive Scape Okonomiyaki

As I scour the internet for recipes on Akebia shoots, the thin, curling new vines that sprout each spring from last year’s now woody growth, the only thing that I can find is anecdotal evidence of the Japanese eating it as fresh greens, especially in 

Truffle Lemon Butter Pasta With A Poached Egg

Truffle Lemon Butter Pasta With A Poached Egg

The poached egg really ties this dish together, the creamy yolk mellowing out the tang of the lemon juice. I have been dreaming of this dish for a while, first conceived when I took stock of the fridge right before the Covid19 lockdown. This is 

Pork Soup Dumplings

Pork Soup Dumplings

I had been meaning to make pork dumplings with hairy bittercress for a while and called my mom to ask what she usually adds to hers, but in talking to her, she said if I have any leftover gelatin based broth, I can add it 

Napa Kimchi

Napa Kimchi

You never have kimchi when you need it–especially when you’re craving kimchi fried rice and all the other things you could make with it! This week I set out to make my own from scratch, as I think the work and love I put into 

Butter From Scratch

Butter From Scratch

When I first discovered how to make butter from scratch, I was horrified. How have I lived so long without making my own butter? I felt like an entire world opened up to me that I had previously not known before. Dinner guests are always 

Hamachi Kama: 3 Ways

Hamachi Kama: 3 Ways

My sister (follow her on Instagram), who is a chef working at an upscale Italian restaurant in Brooklyn, gave me three hamachi kama (yellowtail collars) the other day when I went to visit her and my parents where they live in Queens. I was daunted